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Onondaga Ski Club

A Club For All Seasons

The OSC has participated in Team NASTAR Sundays during January and February at Labrador Mountain for many years

The 2024 NASTAR Race Series,  consisting of 6races will run 6 consecutive Sundays beginning Sunday January 7, 2024.  Racing begins 2:00 at the NASTAR start shack. The NASTAR start shack is located at the top of White Wine 

For 2024  participant cost for the Series is  $229.00,  $259.00 after December 15.  The race fee includes a full day lift ticket on race days. For Season Pass holders it will cost $99.00 to race $129.00 after December 15.  You can also purchase a 1 day/week season pass plus racing for $499.00,  $559.00 after December 15. 

After each race, the participants and spectators gather at the Last Run Tavern to enjoy a free beer complements of Labrador Mountain and to celebrate the day and discuss their race results. 

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 For More information or Questions Contact

Heidi Gang:

What is NASTAR? 
Developed by Ski Magazine in 1968, NASTAR (NAtional STAndard Race) is the largest recreational ski and snowboard race program in the world. Our mission is simple, to provide fun, competitive and easily accessible racing program that, through the development of a handicap system, allows racers of all ages and abilities a means to compare their race results to other competitors across the country regardless of when and where they race. For more info please go to


If you want to share experiences with other racers, make suggestions for the program, or ask questions about the series, go to the Team NASTAR Forum  and create a post.

10% Discount on Most Items
OSC: $12 flights or $1 off a pint, 1/visit
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